Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ramen noodle seasoning packets

As most of you know, I started experimenting with Ramen noodle recipes recently. I like them because they're a good quick snack or meal, and because this is a nice way for me to use leftovers or remaining bits of food. For example, when my husband and I buy large bags of frozen vegetables, we often end up with a last half-cup or so in the bottom of the bag - not enough to be a side dish for two people, not enough to use in recipes for larger dishes.

Since I haven't been including the seasoning packets in most of my Ramen recipes, I've found other ways to use them:

- My husband added a packet of roast beef flavor to the hashbrown potatoes in the picture on the right.

- I use healthier whole-grain varieties of pasta most of the time, although I like stuffed pastas (such as tortellini and ravioli), which I can rarely find in a whole-grain or whole-wheat variety. One of my favorite quick lunches is one cup of whole-grain pasta + half of a Ramen packet + a tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese.

- Seasoning for vegetables that are going into other dishes. In my recipe for Ramen with pesto sauce and mushrooms, I sauteed the mushrooms with the seasoning packets. Try stirring one into broccoli pieces or spinach.

A note about vegetarian meals: The website for Nissin Foods states, here, that the Oriental and Chili flavors of Top Ramen do not contain any animal products.

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